This is a blog where I share my bible studies, insights and ideas about God, and who He is to me. I write as I am inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is this same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Just like Peter who spoke to thousands on the day of Pentecost. He had nothing of this world to call attention to himself. He was not educated but was by trade a fisherman. Where did he get his knowledge of the scriptures to speak and have over 3,000 souls converted and baptized that day? He was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

My education is in accounting, my degree is in management technology, I am a retired CPA, so of and by myself, I am the least qualified to give any theological survey of the scriptures. All the more glory to God who teaches me day by day His purpose, His message, His work in me. I pray as I go from day to day, I am worthy of the call to go from glory to glory in Christ Jesus.

I would appreciate any comments you feel led to make so I can improve my writing skills and also get to know my readers.

I will try to be brief by keeping each post to around 500 words.

Hope you will like my blog and follow me.