Monday, Jun 8 2015 


How do we know our charge from God?

When I was a child in Sunday School, we studied the book of Matthew. It soon became my favorite gospel. I loved how it started and how it ended and all Christ said in between. I liked how it portrayed Him. I loved how He taught us things through parables.

It wasn’t until recently that I discovered just how important those Sunday School classes were to my charge.

They were laying the foundation for this very time when I would share my faith.

In the book of Matthew, at the very end, the disciples receive from Christ their charge:

Matthew 28:18-20The Message (MSG)

18-20 Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

As Christians, we too have this very same charge. We are all called to instruct everyone we meet in the practice of faith.

We get these instructions from all He taught us in His Word.

He is our example and we are the example to unbelievers. Can they see Christ in us, the hope of glory? Do they see His compassion? Do we give them grace? Do we understand their condition and need for Christ?

Spiritual Guidance Saturday, Jul 11 2009 

In the last post titled, “In the Beginning” we layed out an outline for the Holy Bible.

You can use the outline as a tool for studying God’s Word.

When developing your tools for spiritual guidance it helps to know where to begin.

Start with a Bible that is easy to read for you. If you need BIG print, then get a BIG print bible. It helps to get a bible with study notes that explain the different passages. I use the NIV Life Application Study Bible. You can use whatever bible you already have.

You will need a notebook. Or you can use our Small Group Study Guide for the Gospel of John, the liife of Jesus. It’s available free for the asking.

And a pencil or pen.

Let’s start in the gospel of John. John was the disciple that Jesus loved. He writes about the life and ministry of Jesus. This gospel is like a biography of God.

The key verses in the book of John are John 1:1-2 and John 3:16.

Do the session one assignment: Read the first 5 chapters of John’s gospel.

If you are using the study guide. Take notes on each section. If you are using a notebook. Write down thoughts that come to you as you are reading.

When you are finished answer the following question:
What was the most inspirational chapter this week?

Summarize what you have learned this session.

Email session discussions to your leader. If you do not yet have a leader, ask and one will be assigned to you.

Thank-you for your particiaption in this study. Have a good week.